I’ve been meaning to write a blog post about this infuriating article from Mashable a few months ago basically condemning the use of certain “buzz words”. The article is chock full of “experts” I’m sure Mashable selected from a survey about what words they felt were overused. It’s practically impossible to read through the list of comments without hearing them in your head as a pompous “I’m better than you” tone.
Here’s the thing…who friggin cares?
You want to use the word visionary or innovate? Then use it. Just use it within the proper context. We’re seriously going to judge people on what words they use? I went through this list of theirs, and I use many of these words on occasion. Does that make me any less “visionary” or “innovative”? Please.
Judge people on the merits of their work, efforts, results and reputation. I think it comes off arrogant and judgemental to seriously shape opinions of people and businesses because you think a word is overused or cliche. Yes, it’s important to have an educated vocabulary, and variety/creativity in how you communicate, but not to the extent that you should fear using a word because it’s on some overused/buzzword list.
Hopefully you enjoyed my innovative, outside the box, visionary thoughts on this matter and you can now hit the ground running to create a game changing value add for your engaged customers and clients!
7 out of their 12 in one sentence. Not bad eh? Who can beat me in the comments?
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