A few weeks ago I stumbled across a very interesting tool called Triberr. Simply
put, Triberr is a way for you to retweet other bloggers posts that you know and trust, and have them potentially do the same for you as well. You join and/or create “tribes” of those in your network that you feel comfortable associating with, and through those established connections, build a network of individuals that mutually share each other’s content.
At first it may come off as spammy, and that was my first reaction. But after digging in a bit, I realized that what founders Dan Cristo and Dino Dogan have created is actually a very interesting and useful tool to increase your reach authentically. While I wasn’t necessarily comfortable with having some of my tweets automated at first, it was quickly negated by the fact that you can dictate who you associate yourself with. They’ve also added tools that allow you to monitor what is queued to publish giving you the option of deleting it before it hits your stream.
I’m always looking for great content to share on Twitter, so this tool is a win win for me as it supplements my manual content strategy, and also increases exposure to the content I create on my blog in a relevant way. Triberr is by invite only, but once you can get your hands on one, you have full access to the system. Initially you are placed in your invited tribe, and then get 3 of your own to manage yourself and each tribe can have up to 7 members in them. For a full breakdown of how things work, check out a great video they have posted here, and their full FAQ.
If after checking out Triberr you’re interested in an invite, let me know as I have plenty to boot with some strong tribes already in play. Just send a tweet or email my way and I will send you an invite code.
Hey Jason,
What a great write up…I really appreciate it.
As you are well aware, Twitter is about sharing (curating) content. Triberr automates the sharing part, and all we have to do a curate the people in our tribes. Seams easy. I’m on your blog all the time. Your content is always awesome, and I’d share it in a heat beat with my followers. Thats the core of Triberr.
Thnx again for a write up.
P.S. When I tweeted that I already left a comment…well, it turns out I did, but I forgot to click “Submit”…ooops 🙂
You know it. It’s a great tool and I hope to help increase awareness.
Just started reading about Triberr today from The Next Web and was thinking along the same lines that it may look spammy to some. I’m all for automating the process a bit to help with your activity when you can’t be on Twitter and I always look for the services I use to allow me to personalize the content I share. Buffer for instance is such a great tool because you’re able to personalize the links you share. Triberr is of interest to me because RTs are a personal recommendation that I think you should read as well. Great tool and great write up on Triberr!
Yea, it is automated, but those that use it responsibly will have a good flow of content that is shared. Especially if monitored.
Hey there! I discovered your blog on BlogInteract.com and came over to check it out.
Anyway, the tool does sound interesting and I’d appreciate an invite if you still have some to spare.
Hi Allison. Thanks for stopping by. I sent you an invite to your Twitter DM!
Well said, Jason. So glad you are enjoying the benefits of Triberr. Like anything new, people have to take the time to learn it. With Triberr, the more you understand it, the more you appreciate what it can do for you, your followers and bloggers you respect/read anyway.
Best wishes for a great day, Jason. Aloha. Janet
I shall watch with interest 🙂
Recently stumbled across your site and discovered all the great content!
Finally starting my own blog and your site provides so much inspiration.
If you have any more Triberr invites, I would love to start using it.
The best approach is not what can your invite tribe do for you. The best approach is what you can build together with those tribespeople in your first triberr tribe.
Triberr offers several things that dazzle and delight, but if you focus on building micro-communities, connecting with other bloggers (especially those that don’t share your particular niche or point of view), and curating people – you’ll do awesome.
Detach yourself from personal interest, smart goals, and ambitious outcomes, those items will be
served (beyond your imagination) if you demonstrate a servant heart.
I find triberr confusing, and I’m still trying to figure it out. I found your post very helpful!