Having a thriving community where your users or customers frequently visit, interact, provide feedback and evangelize your products/services is an extremely valuable scenario. While community is a hot buzz word these days, it’s still quite a ways before most businesses truly embrace the idea. Companies like Starbucks, Dell, even my previous employer Microsoft Advertising, all do community incredibly well and it has paid off for all of them many times over. However not all businesses have the ...
9 Ways Twitter Can Actually Be Useful
Twitter is certainly an interesting phenomenon. On one hand, it’s all the rage these days and what practically everyone is talking about. On the other hand, most people try it once and never return. In fact roughly 60% of users fail to return (Nielson Wire), so it’s clearly a tool that only web savvy users are sticking with. It’s not so much because Twitter is a difficult tool to use, it’s just that for most normal, every day people, it’s a useless distraction. Unless you’re a celebrity or a ...