Mental note…don’t wait till the last minute to pull out our passport when you’re going out of the country. I learned that the hard way this morning when I had to scramble to get a new passport in 1 day to make my Toronto trip this Sunday to SES Toronto. Surprisingly you can actually get a passport in one day if you have all your documentation. Very expensive however. So I’m off to give another Social Media On A Budget presentation at SES Toronto. The first one in NY did ...
Is YouTube Part Of Your Social Media Strategy?
YouTube just turned 6 today and they released some staggering statistics (source link): -3 billion views per day (up 50% in the past 12 months) -48 hours of video are uploaded every single minute (100% increase year over year) -142.7 million unique viewers per month So the question you have to ask yourself is, are you using YouTube as part of your overall marketing or blogging strategy? Surprisingly most are not, present company included. There is only a couple places to get real ...
Using Social Media To Avoid The Fires
One of the biggest challenges in my new role at Strategies 360 is going from developing social media strategies for B2B & B2C to less product/service focused clients. Most of our clients fall under non-profit, education, energy, & cause based organizations. Most of these firms are not selling a product or service, they are selling an idea or wanting to build awareness and support for their directives or initiatives. Challenging, yet definitely fun. Today I spoke with a client that ...
Buy Some Social Media Today!
About a year ago, I remember reaching a crossroads for myself around what career path I wanted to align myself with. I had built up close to 12+ years of experience around digital marketing, but was really gravitating towards social media marketing. I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time at Microsoft Advertising on the community team. MA has established themselves as a leader in brands using social, and I was lucky enough to be a part of that team in the early ...
Triberr: How I Increased My Reach To Over 300,000 (And Growing)
A few weeks ago I stumbled across a very interesting tool called Triberr. Simply put, Triberr is a way for you to retweet other bloggers posts that you know and trust, and have them potentially do the same for you as well. You join and/or create “tribes” of those in your network that you feel comfortable associating with, and through those established connections, build a network of individuals that mutually share each other’s content. At first it may come off as spammy, and that was my ...
Social Influence. Where Do You Rank?
One of the hot trends in social media these days are the crop of sites that are claiming to measure ones social media influence. Sites like Klout, PeerIndex, and up and comer Empire Avenue all have unique ways in which they measure your social influence based on a variety of factors. All three attempt to apply their own home brew algorithms that factor in the size of your networks, the frequency of your participation, and how often your contributions to these networks are shared. But the real ...