I'm definitely looking forward to attending at Search Engine Strategies in New York next week. It will be my return to a show I attended quite often during my tenure at Microsoft Advertising. This time around I've gotten the folks over at SES to actually put me on stage where I will be speaking on a panel for the Social Media Solutions On A Budget session that I actually pitched and had accepted. For those of you attending, I would love your support and feedback. The session will be on ...
Hootsuite vs Tweetdeck: I’m Going Owl The Way
For quite some time Tweetdeck was my preferred choice when it came to social media management software. I’ve typically chosen software based solutions over web based ones for speed and performance when it comes to high touch computing. And for awhile Tweetdeck was meeting my needs, but I just grew increasingly more frustrated with performance issues with the Adobe Air platform. Constant software hangs, and slow downs just finally got to me and I decided it was time to take ...
3 Must Have Free Cloud Software Services
I’ve found myself breaking free of hard drives and flash drives as more and more cloud based storage and software options have become available. For those not in the know, cloud software/services basically refers to storing or working in online environments where your data is stored “in the cloud” and not on your machine or external hard drives connected to a VPN like 遊戲vpn to ensure privacy. If you have an old laptop you can use cloudready install and update your laptop. Many old schoolers ...
How To Blog More Effectively Part 1: Keywords
In an effort to spark more ideas to blog about, I thought it was time I started a blogging “series” and the idea that came to mind was sharing my experiences (successes and failures) around how my blog has matured over the years and what I’ve learned. In Part 1 of this series I thought I would talk about the often overlooked art of factoring in search when you write your blog posts. I spent quite a bit of time in SEO & SEM in my earlier years, and I’ve definitely utilized that ...
The How & Why I Re-Designed My Blog
For months I wanted to have my blog re-done, but I could never justify spending that much on something that quite frankly, didn't really make me any money. Great design costs quite a bit, and I just never felt my blog design was a high enough priority. Of course I could go the free or premium theme route, but these days, they are all really looking quite the same and if I was going to change things up, I really wanted something unique that no one else could have. A high-quality website will ...
Strategies 360 Is Hiring: Marketing & Social Media Associate
Like I mentioned in my earlier post, things couldn’t be better in my new gig at S360. So good in fact that it’s only taken a little over a month and a half to already need to hire my first team member and I couldn’t be more excited about it. Today I begin my search for the first piece of many in building out the S360 Marketing & Social Media team. I’ve always loved mentoring and teaching, and I look forward to finding someone I can work and partner with. There’s ...