It seems like almost every day more and more cool sites are popping up taking advantage of the social web. A few weeks ago I stumbled across another gem, Lanyrd and it’s officially my go to site for all things conferences. I’m always a fan of great UI and simplicity in execution, and Lanyrd nails both. Lanyrd uses your Twitter account to effectively crowdsource conference information and it’s working. In addition to simply listing conference details, you can get information on speakers, sessions & content.
For those that attend or speak regularly, it’s a great site to keep track of your participation (see my profile page for an example), and to connect to those in your network that are participating in similar shows. Another great feature is Lanyrd’s ability to comb through your Twitter followers and suggest shows you might be interested in.
All in all, it’s a great start and I would imagine their are many more features around the corner. I’d love to see a more user friendly badge feature to give bloggers an easy way to implement dynamic content to their sites regarding their conference participation. Also Facebook integration would be a plus.
If you haven’t done so already, give Lanyrd a spin.
Thnx for this…very timely …I’ve been thinking about how to pull off a Triberr town hall type of deal…and this just might do it.
No problem. It’s a great resource and I think you’ll find it useful.
Hey Jason,
Thanks for the heads up on Lanyrd, I’d never heard of it. I like that you also have the option of blocking some of the big events that get way too many tweets from the thousands of attendees.
BTW, I’m originally from the Seattle suburbs and the backgroud in your header image caught me eye immediately! I’ll actually be there next week. I can’t wait!
Yea, I could see how that could get pretty crazy with all those tweets.
Hopefully the weather will improve for your visit!