Boy it can be a challenge to consistently come up with compelling blog articles, and luckily today, I stumbled across a few real gems I just had to share. My true north is always trying to write things that I feel are helpful and not just blogging to blog.
That being said you owe it to yourself to check out Lori Taylor’s latest blog post 15 Social Caffeine “Must Do’s” To Rock Your Facebook Fan Page. It’s a lengthy post but definitely worth your time. I can’t imagine how much time it must have taken for Lori to put this one together, but it’s tremendously useful, and I myself learned quite a bit. I can’t wait to put some of that knowledge to use with my dormant fan page. I haven’t quite figured out what I’ve wanted to do with it, but Lori’s post definitely helped give me some perspective.
One of the things I love about discovering great bloggers and their content is how through those experiences, I often find yet more useful insights. In this case I was able to find Francisco Rosales over at SocialMouths.com. First off I’m jealous of his blog as I think it looks amazing and already has me thinking re-design. But more importantly he’s got some great content and an amazing story about how he came to be where he is. Definitely will be paying closer attention to Social Mouths.
And lastly through Social Mouths I checked out Francisco’s Facebook fan page and also fell in love with what he’s doing with his fan page. The welcome page looks amazing and I’ve got to get me one of these. But I also stumbled across a set of tools I’d never heard through an outfit called Involver. They have some great free Facebook applications and I took advantage of 2 of them. I added their Twitter and YouTube Channel apps to my Facebook page and they work great. I’ve always strayed away from any cross platform integration with Facebook as I always felt it looked forced, but Involver’s apps are clean and seamless.
Check out my page to see how I’ve integrated Twitter and YouTube into my left side menu and be sure to check out Lori and Francisco’s blogs. They’re fantastic.
Hey Jason, really appreciate that man, thanks so much.
As for your blog, I don’t know what you’re talking about, it looks great. I specially love that header.
Again thanks and I hope to stay connected. BTW, you know we’re in the same tribe, right?
Thanks Francisco. Yea, I thought the name looked familiar pretty quickly, so it didn’t take long to figure that out. Just icing on the cake. Thanks for the kind words on the blog, but I’m definitely getting closer to another upgrade and your site definitely has me thinking on some potential new directions. I’ve got a great blog post coming up centered around the idea of branding and whether it makes sense to use your name as the brand or something like what you and Lori are doing. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Interesting Must do’s for Facebook fanpage jason. Found it very interesting.
I know I’m a bit late on this, but just wanted to agree with Francisco and say that your website looks great! I can totally relate to the feeling of blog(design)-envy with my blog though… 🙂
Glad you mentioned Social Mouths — Francisco is a great resource (I check out his posts pretty regularly). Hadn’t run across Lori’s website yet, so I’ll have to take a look.
Hey, it’s just cool … You are very well placed links for Twitter and Facebook ….