Roughly 72 percent of Americans currently use social media, and platforms like Facebook and Instagram have transformed drastically over the last several years. This has had a dramatic impact on how much social media jobs pay. Not only are these sites used to connect with friends and share pictures of people’s pets, but they’re also important business marketing and promotional tools. As the purpose of social media has evolved, there’s become a strong need for businesses to employ experts who ...
Social Media
Why The Coronavirus Effects Your Business’s Online Strategy
Most people fall into one of 2 camps when it comes to the current Coronavirus pandemic. Toilet paper hoarding panic mode or the media is controlling us!! Okay, so those are 2 extreme opposite ends of the spectrum, but there's no escaping the fact that regardless of what the truth actually is, it is impacting our way of life in dramatic ways. Schools are closing, events are being cancelled, pro sports leagues are suspending operations, and sadly, even many businesses are on the brink of having to ...
Why $1000/month is the absolute lowest amount you should spend on outsourcing your social media.
How’s that for click bait? The difference is, this is a true statement based on years of trial and error as a consultant and agency owner. I’ve spent the better part of the last 10 years trying to figure out how to deliver measurable and meaningful results for business owners through social media and all of that experience has led me to this conclusion. I used to be the biggest cheerleader for SEO...investing in more organic strategies that don't require the use of what I've called "light ...
Facebook for Small Business Owners – 5 Killer Tips
While many of the tips for the best ways to make use of Facebook for small business owners are pretty widely known, there are some hidden gems that can really take it to the next level. 1. Post images to Facebook through Instagram Why? Because images posted to Facebook via Instagram garner an impressive 23% more engagement than those images simply posted directly to Facebook. In a colossal study conducted by Buzzsumo, more than one billion posts to Facebook, sourced from three million ...
Stock Photo Sites To Fuel Your Social Media Content
Finding reliable stock photo sites with great images for all of your social media and content marketing needs can sometimes be quite the pain. Whether it's finding images that relate specifically to your content, or you just want something that doesn't scream STOCK PHOTOGRAPHY! Regardless, it goes without saying that every post you make on social media should not be without a visual to go along with it. Not convinced? Check out these stats: Posts with images produce 650% higher engagement ...
Introducing Marketima – A marketing career website
As I've gotten older the things I'm interested in writing about have strayed further away from my actual career. My personal blog has become a smorgasbord of topics ranging from tech to lifestyle, and less about marketing. Thus my entrepreneurial itch came storming back, and I felt the need to launch a separate site to be home to all my marketing content. Say hello to Marketima. Quite simply Marketima is a marketing career website focused on giving marketing professionals a place to find a job, ...