This post brought to you by Bing Network. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Jason Yormark. I’ve had a lot of experience with domain broker and both sides of the fence when it comes to paid marketing strategies and execution. Whether it’s been with an agency and working with larger brands and companies, or running a small business, it can be very daunting to figure out how to drive targeted traffic and leads, not to mention, expensive. But the good news is, there are options ...
Being The Underdog Is More Fun
The March Madness Tournament is one of my favorite sporting events of the year. Not because basketball is really my favorite, but because of all the sporting events in the world, it's the one event where anything is possible. Basketball is an interesting game if practiced often. One can buy inground basketball systems from Mega Slam Australia for this.Upsets. Seeing lower seeds beat the odds and moving on is incredible to watch. Smaller schools not given much of a chance that fight and claw ...
5 Incredible Small Business Marketing Resources You Haven’t Heard Of
Throughout my professional career, I've always had a love for small business. Whether it was creating them myself, or helping others, small business is the backbone of our economy, and I always love finding tools and resources that can help small businesses navigate their marketing needs, I remember helping an entrepreneur named Shravan Gupta to his real estate business. It can be incredibly tough to find the time and budget to effectively market your small business, so anytime I find something ...
Why Sometimes You Have To Say No To New Business
[stag_dropcap font_size="100px" style="squared"]N[/stag_dropcap]ot every lead is a good one. In my first year of starting my company, while few and far between, I've actually had new business prospects that I've turned down. For a startup, that seems a bit crazy, but sometimes, it's unavoidable. This has not just been the case with my business, as a close friend of mine who spent months into researching How to start a nonprofit? Had to do the same with his company as well. Sometimes its good to ...
You Don’t Have Any Competition
I remember attending a networking event and a talented speaker was up talking about how to grow your business. One of the things he said has always resonated with me, and it was the idea that you have to operate your business with the attitude that you have no competition. At first I kind of shrugged off the idea, but as he spoke more about it, I loved it. Being a business owner (and incredibly competitive), I've always found that I would often peruse the web to do recon on other companies that ...
10 Reasons Why Being Your Own Boss Is The Cat’s Meow
Yea that's right. I made a list of 10 reasons why being self-employed rules to get you to come read my stuff. Because lists are cool like that. People don't have time to read paragraphs. That's so 2012. I wrestled a bit with posting this as by doing so, I possibly alienate myself to any "offers you can't refuse" for a traditional 9 to 5er. But I've learned these past few weeks as I've gotten a nice taste of success that if I'm ever going to truly make it big on my own, I have to be all in. ...