If you're looking to increase your influence and grow your personal brand, Reddit can be a powerful tool. With over 430 million monthly active users, Reddit is one of the largest and most influential online communities. Here are a few ways you can use Reddit to boost your personal brand: Overall, Reddit can be an effective platform for increasing your influence and growing your personal brand. Just make sure to follow the community's rules and guidelines, and always strive to provide ...
Top 5 things you can do in 1 hour to improve your LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn is a mixed bag. On one hand, playing host to about half a billion of the world’s professionals, it’s simply unmatched for finding opportunities, sourcing business deals or generating leads. On the other hand, the signal-to-noise ratio is often overwhelming, and finding visibility (or rather, the right kind of visibility) can be a chore. Done right, though, LinkedIn can offer you a level of visibility and exposure to opportunity that can be absolutely transformative to your ...
The Best List of No Nonsense Advice For Aspiring Authors
People aren't buying your book, they're buying you. Social media doesn't sell books. Blog posts don't sell books. Individual emails sell books. The same creativity you put into your book you need to put into your book marketing. Figure out if it's about the money, the accolades or the accomplishment. THEN pick your platform. If you're writing fiction, buckle up 'cause you're in for a much tougher ride. You'll never hit pre-sales goals without the right perks. ...
Let Your Employees Write the Job Description!
The notion of having your employees write their own job description might sound a bit…edgy. As the big boss, it’s been your duty to create the “next step” in expanding the business and that, of course, starts with the job description of a new hire. Outsourcing that to your employees sounds like weaponized laziness. In reality though, our experience shows that having employees foot the load can be beneficial to all three parties; the employer, the employee and the candidates. Let’s dig into ...
Social Media Jobs: The What, Where & How To Make It Happen
Globally, 40 percent of internet users report using social media as part of their job. Social media jobs have become more common than ever over the last several years, and they’re not showing any signs of slowing down. Are you interested in landing a social media career? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Explained below is everything you need to know about social media jobs, including what to expect from them, what opportunities are currently out there, and the kinds of salaries you ...
7 Must Have Marketing Skills For Social Media Professionals
While social media has its own set of skills to master, if you're really serious about leading the pack, having a strong base of traditional marketing skills is a must. We’re going to help you out with 7 skills that all new—and not so new—social media pros need to have in their toolboxes. Some of these skills need practice to master, others are more technical, but all of them are essential to building a strong foundation for a career in social media. 1. Data-Driven Persona ...