As a thank you to those that visit and contribute to my blog, I’ve wanted to do some sort of giveaway for awhile, but wanted it to be somewhat relevant to what I do and write about. My blog certainly doesn’t generate crazy amounts of traffic or revenue, so I couldn’t exactly get too crazy, but I think I’ve come up with something pretty cool. So what’s the prize package you ask? To one lucky reader I will be giving away the following social media book package: Socialnomics by Erik ...
What I’ve Learned About Blogging Based On A Year’s Worth Of Data
I didn't really get serious about blogging until the past year, and even then, I haven't written as much as I would like. Like many bloggers, I've gone in and out of writing, and that doesn't help with maintaining a consistent flow of traffic to your blog. At the end of the day, driving eyeballs to my blog isn't really the ultimate goal, writing useful and appreciated content is. But I like anyone loves to see people visit. So I decided to dive deep into the analytics of ...
3 Up & Coming Social Media Tactics Every Small Business or Startup Should Consider
Starting or maintaining a small local business is no easy task. This is especially the case when you offer a product or service that is provided by major players that are hard to compete solely on price with. For every story of a mom and pop shop that has fought off the corporate giants, there are hundreds that did not share the same fate. However times are changing, and technology is providing opportunities that were never even thought possible just a few short years ago. While a well ...
Dropbox It Like It’s Hot
I love it when a company does one thing, and does it extremely well. Cloud storage is definitely a growing technology, but for the most part, too complicated for the masses to adopt. Most people outside of tech still don’t get it, and probably won’t for some time. It’s a shame too, because storage in the cloud is so stinking convenient. Not having to worry about carrying a portable hard drive, thumb drive, or the right device is extremely liberating. And no one does ...
Dear Twitter: Please Add Auto DM Blocking
It’s no secret that Twitter’s schedule of feature enhancements is fairly lacking and infrequent. I suppose when you grow as quickly and as large as they have, and you’re a free service, you don’t necessarily have to do too much. But if there was one stinking feature I so desperately wish they would add is a way to block Auto DMs. I’m not entirely sure if this is even possible, or how it would be done, but I’ve got to believe there would be a relatively easy way to do this. ...
5 Steps To A Professional Grade Blog On A Budget
While there are quite a few “free” options when it comes to starting a blog, sometimes you want a little more then what they can offer, especially if you are wanting to get serious about building a professional grade blog. The great news is that these days, even a great looking, unique blog doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. Wordpress has changed the game and opened up the door giving the potential for anyone to create and publish great content and possibly earn a few bucks in the ...