I've been playing around with Google Wave for a month or so, and while I think it's definitely a cool way to manage your communication, the fact is, I don't know many people that are actually using it yet. Lucky for me, I've got some invites to give out. As of now, I have 16 to give out. Want one? Leave a comment on this blog post with your email address and either a guilty pleasure or pet peeve. First 16 comments get the invites. If I happen to score more, I'll send them in order of ...
Apple Magic Mouse Review
It's no secret I have formed a deep, passionate love for all things Apple over the past 6 months. After a 2 month learning curve getting used to the differences in operating systems, I am fully assimilated. Of course with Windows 7 now out, I'm much more likely to boot up in Windows once I get around to installing the new system. My latest love is the new Apple Magic Mouse. I was in an Apple Store the other day and played around with their most recent mouse offering. As with all things ...
Turning Good Intentions Into Action
When I changed focus on my blog towards a professional approach my traffic went up considerably. Makes sense considering most people are more interested in issues and discussion regarding social media rather then my life. But every once in awhile, I experience something that warrants the occasional life reflection post. My wonderful wife has always been about the most generous and genuinely caring person I've ever met. She's very passionate about helping others, and demonstrates this ...
Mobilize Your WordPress Blog!
I could spew all the stats about mobile browser usage, but the cold hard facts are that more and more people are using their mobile devices to browse the web. It's just a matter of time before it eclipses normal computer usage. So is your Wordpress blog mobilized? Mine really wasn't. So I took an hour or so using some incredible free tools and like magic, I'm good to go. It's quite easy and all you need to do is take the following steps. 1. If you are using a wordpress hosting service to ...
My 9 Favorite WordPress Social Media Plugins
The Wordpress platform never ceases to amaze me. It's by far one of the greatest pieces of software ever built, and to think that it is free is the icing on the cake. What really makes the platform as successful as it is, are the thousands of themes and plugins that the Wordpress community contributes. These add ons turn what essentially is a blogging platform, into just about any type of site you want from community to content management systems to storefronts. It truly is amazing. Over ...
How I Increased My Twitter Following by 45% In One Week
I've been fascinated by the art and science of building a relevant network of Twitter followers in the past few months. Like I've written before, I didn't really spend a large amount of time with Twitter until May of this year. Since then, I've learned quite a bit. In previous posts I've written about ways I feel Twitter can be useful, and the debate of quality vs. quantity. I still believe that there is value in ensuring that those you follow are relevant to you, but as your following ...