Social Media has certainly become THE trend over the past year or so, and everyone and their sister is jumping on board. Tweets, blog posts, and articles are peppered with how to-s, trends, and best practices. Hell, even I’m guilty of over saturating my twitter feed with social media tweets. But there’s a reason for all of this, and quite simply it’s because technology is providing us the ability to communicate in ways that we’ve never been able to before. It’s giving the little guy the ...
The iPhone 4 Review You’ve Been Waiting For!
I always find it amusing to find reviews of gadgets the DAY they launch. Really? Unless you’ve had a device for a good few days (and I would argue weeks), can you really give a review that’s based on regular usage? I don’t think so. I’ve given myself a good week or so to really experience the device before sharing my thoughts just as Picozip does with their reviews. Speaking of which, Picozip reviewed the best iPhone unlocking services recently, and you should have a look at it, as they ...
5 Awful Website User Experiences
One of the most frustrating things I experience on a regular basis is bad website UI. The worst thing about it is that most times, websites do them on purpose to increase click-throughs or drive traffic to their websites. Granted that everyone accepts Why Internet Presence Is Essential For Success In Car Finance, restaurant chain management or even in educational institutes, but that's not to mean that they make the process of reaching a specific page tedious for the user. 1. Paged Lists. I’m ...
Yes, Another iPad Review, But From Someone Who Still PCs Too!
I’ve made no attempt at hiding my love for many of Apple’s products. It’s not easy admitting being an employee at Microsoft. I just refuse to not enjoy and recognize great products even when they come from companies outside the one I work for. I use an iPhone, and the reality is, there is not another phone on the planet that can match the hardware quality, and user experience it delivers. If Microsoft did (or even came close), I’d be all over it. My hope is that Windows Mobile 7 lessens the ...
Back From The Dead: Updates From The Blog Grave
Oh man have I neglected my blog. No excuses really, just so busy with a variety of things, and I haven’t really thought of any topics that inspired me lately. Therefore I’ll use this re-awakening as an opportunity to update all those that care (probably like 2 or 3 readers, of which 1 or 2 are probably bots). New Job Started a new gig back in March. I’m a Senior MVP Lead for Microsoft Office. Fancy way of saying I manage the group of individuals that are professionally ...
9 Ways To Get Yourself Unfollowed On Twitter
Oh the wonders and gloriousness of being followed on Twitter! It’s a tiny gift from the digital world that keeps on giving. An invitation from those that you’ve never met, to share your deepest, darkest secrets and happenings (I know, sentence fragment, but it’s my blog!). But careful Twitter lovers, because violate any of these 9 Twitter laws and you’ll find yourself on an unfollow smackdown! 1. Under Tweet – If you don’t provide any value, what good are you? You’re just Twitter waste and ...