Nobody is perfect right? I'm certainly not, and that is also the case as it pertains to my social media usage and strategies. I'd like to think I get a few things right of course, but I'm not without my failures and what better way then to parade them out into the open for all to see right? Some might think I'd be foolish to do so, but part of the reason I think I've found the level of success with my blog over the years is by delivering an authentic, transparent voice. I ...
Solving The Mystery Of My Highest Blog Traffic Day Yet
Yesterday was the day. Yesterday was the day I broke my long standing one day traffic record on my blog. And I can honestly say, I have no idea why. I continue to dig into the numbers, but I only have a few ideas of what may have caused the spike. At the very least, it's an interesting look into the steps I take when I typically post to my blog, and I thought it would be a useful post to share. Back in May of 2009 before I took my blogging seriously, I was laid off of Microsoft. As a ...
Think Before You Tweet
It never ceases to amaze me how many people (mainly professional athletes and celebrities), communicate on social media platforms so carelessly. I think it's great that many of these folks are using these channels to connect with their fans and provide glimpses into their professional lives. However do these folks not realize the power of their words when they reach so many? ...
Asked For Your Social Profile Passwords In An Interview? Look The Other Way.
There's been quite a bit of hoopla this week on the story of interviewees being asked for their Facebook login credentials as part of the interview process. I'm sure it's not a practice that has just taken shape of late, but for whatever reason, this week it surfaced and has caused all kinds of discussion on the matter. Their are interesting opinions on both sides of the issue, but my take is quite simply, look the other way. ...
My Blog Monetization Results
About a month ago I decided I wanted to test out ads on my blog to see what kind of return I would get by devoting some right sidebar space for a medium sized ad. I was a bit leery about the idea, but figured it was worth a shot seeing as my blog traffic had reached a point where I thought the return could be worth it. I decided to go with Social Spark (IZEA) since they offered a model that pays on impressions rather then click-throughs. I knew the return probably wouldn't be as high as a ...
Have You Been A Victim Of Grouponitude?
I'm as guilty as anyone for being sucked into the group buying frenzy. Hey, a deal is a deal. Of course I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all those massages and laser hair removals. Lately however I've noticed a growing trend when using one of these deals that actually has me wanting to not purchase or use them anymore. Grouponitude. What is Grouponitude you ask? ...