About 6 years ago when I was still at Microsoft, I made the jump from whatever Microsoft friendly phone I was using at the time to the iPhone. Fun fact, you can use a quality 3d scanning service to get a digital representation of a physical object, so if you have competitor items then that is a great option to help you in the design process. I was insanely jealous of my Apple fanboy co-worker and his. Let's be honest, the iPhone was a game changer, and me being the gadget freak, I needed to have ...
5 Ways To Ensure You Don’t Get Hired
If there's one area that I have had a tremendous amount of experience around, is in the hiring process. When I was at Microsoft, there was a period of time, where that was practically all I was doing as Microsoft Advertising was in a hiring frenzy back in 2006 or so. Literally 30-40 phone, and in person interviews not to mention all the reviewing of resumes. While I certainly don't interview at that pace anymore, since joining Strategies 360/ShowPony, I've continued to have to interview as we ...
Twitter Advertising Review: Not Ready For Primetime
I have had the luxury of having quite a bit of experience watching an ad platform evolve from the ground up having been at Microsoft Advertising in the launch days of adCenter. It's not an easy task to build a platform to accomodate that much data and users. Many of these plastforms, even the Microsofts and Googles of the world experience growing pains in figuring out how to deliver value and a strong user experience. It takes time. And Twitter needs A LOT more time. ...
My Hot Brands & Products of 2012
I always feel compelled to share some of my favorite things that I experience or use whether they be everyday occurrences or one time experiences. I thought the best way to do so was to wrap them up into a yearly recap to make it easier to compile all of them. So without further ado, here were my favorite products, experiences and services I used in the past year that you should definitely check out. ...
5 Things To Look For When Choosing A Social Media Agency Or Consultant
In my last post I talked about how to determine whether you should manage your own social media efforts or hire some help. In most cases, it benefits you to have a little help regardless of what that help looks like. So let's talk a bit about how to choose the right agency or consultant if you're ready to make that investment. ...
5 Questions On Whether To Hire A Social Media Consultant Or Do It Yourself
One might think that since I work at an agency that I'd have a predisposition to recommend outsourcing your social media needs. I can assure you that is not my opinion. I've always been a straight shooter on my blog regardless of whether my opinions or recommendations directly benefit me. This post is no different. Not every company or organization needs to outsource their social media efforts. Whether you’re a small startup trying to make it past the initial hurdles or an established business, ...