For awhile I've been wanting to leverage the blog I've built up to recognize folks I come across that for whatever are reason, are awesome in who they are or what they do. It's hard enough to find great talent, service, or resources in a day and age where we are overwhelmed with information. Good people are hard to come by, and I feel compelled to share the ones I come across here and there if for no other reason to promote them as they certainly deserve it. Consider this volume 1 of an ...
Pinterest For Dudes
Okay, okay, guilty as charged for jumping on the blogging about Pinterest bandwagon this week, but I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't chime in right? But at least I'm taking a unique angle by trying to be a little more helpful for the gents out there as it pertains to the most recent social darling, Pinterest. Even on pinterest, dudes can shop very nice stuff like t-shirts etc. I've been kicking the tires a bit on Pinterest the past few weeks, and it's definitely something I'm finding more ...
Fight Or Flight: Which Path Do You Typically Take?
One of the things I love about having a blog is how everyday life experiences often motivate me to write certain blog articles. This is yet another one of those examples. This year I decided to step up and manage my older son's little league team. It's a big commitment, but I've always intended on stepping up to do so as I love the game, my son, and cherish the opportunity to coach my son and manage a little league team. It was a bit last minute, so I scrambled to prepare myself, handling ...
February Facebook Page Music Package Giveaway
For quite awhile I've been wanting to do another giveaway on my blog. With my recent addition to the Forbes Social Media Power Influencers list, I figured now was as good of a time as any to do so. That and I had a few cool things to giveaway that were simply sitting around my office. At my agency Strategies 360, we've had quite a bit of success in running contests using social media channels. In most instances we've seen tremendous growth in reach and engagement, and in just about all those ...
Thoughts On Making The Forbes Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers
It can be easy to get caught up in being named to top lists on the web. Quite frankly anyone can create a list of top anything and include those people or things that they find worthy of the list based on a variety of factors. But I can't help but feel honored to be included on the Who Are The Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers? list by Forbes. I is Forbes right? Regardless of the circumstances, algorithms, or opinions, I'm flattered and it's just another feel good moment ...
The Lost Art Of Hard Work
I admire those that work their asses off. Surprisingly it's a rare trait. I've come across far more individuals that do not give it everything they've got then do. For the past year and a half I've watched my wife transform her body through diet, taking creatine a supplement for boosting exercise performance, working out, running all kinds of races and Tae Kwon Do. She's an absolute warrior when it comes to fitness, and it was a decision she made to work incredibly hard to achieve her ...