I interrupt my regularly scheduled programming, to bring you this message in hopes that I can assist in cleaning up our Facebook feeds from unnecessary and often over done posts. Yes, we all choose our Facebook friends and thus are responsible for what we see, but I can't help but point out a few things that...let's be honest, deep down we all want to see less of right? ...
Too Much Talk, Not Enough Action!
I've been often amazed at throughout my jobs how much more importance is put on talking about doing things, versus actually doing them. At one of my previous employer's, it was incredibly common for many folks to be praised and rewarded not so much for the results they actually delivered, but the way they presented their work. Many a promotions were awarded simply because someone could put together a snazzy powerpoint about how incredible they or their team was. ...
Restaurant Social Media Marketing Results In The Flesh
"I love it when a plan comes together!" - Hannibal Smith, A-Team I've worked on my fair share of social media campaigns, and every once in awhile, a project comes my way that I have an extra ounce of vested interest in making a success. A few months ago I had the honor of taking on doing some social media consulting for one of my favorite local restaurants Emory's, a fine dining establishment north of Seattle and in my neck of the woods. I've been a regular there for some time, and had a good ...
Say Hello To ShowPony
It's been a whirlwind month or so and my blog and personal social media use has certainly suffered. Finding time to attend to my personal stuff is always going to be a significant challenge with a full time gig. The anxiety of a shrinking Klout score and Alexa rating always seems to reel me back in. I'm so vain. ...
How I Fail At Social Media
Nobody is perfect right? I'm certainly not, and that is also the case as it pertains to my social media usage and strategies. I'd like to think I get a few things right of course, but I'm not without my failures and what better way then to parade them out into the open for all to see right? Some might think I'd be foolish to do so, but part of the reason I think I've found the level of success with my blog over the years is by delivering an authentic, transparent voice. I ...
Solving The Mystery Of My Highest Blog Traffic Day Yet
Yesterday was the day. Yesterday was the day I broke my long standing one day traffic record on my blog. And I can honestly say, I have no idea why. I continue to dig into the numbers, but I only have a few ideas of what may have caused the spike. At the very least, it's an interesting look into the steps I take when I typically post to my blog, and I thought it would be a useful post to share. Back in May of 2009 before I took my blogging seriously, I was laid off of Microsoft. As a ...